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Sales are from
Social Media

Making The Best Out
Of Selling On Social

Online retailers and ecommerce professionals are some of the most proficient social media users we have found. In the interview that follows, we'll talk to Stacy Woodward, owner of Wild & Roaming in Tacoma, Washington. Stacy uses PromoRepublic to schedule Facebook and Instagram posts for her online apparel business. She also uses Shopify, which is a great platform for beginning, intermediate and advanced sellers.

Shopify has the option to share a product, group of products or blog post on social, but no way to schedule and truly customize your post. How cool would it be to marry PromoRepublic's awesome graphics features and scheduling functionality with Shopify in all their ecommerce giant glory? Stay tuned for more on that soon, and now let's turn our attention to Stacy and her wild and roaming journey.

Facebook screen
Facebook screen

Celebrating The Vivid Art
of Mother Nature

“We aim to create products that express
who we are and what we love.”

The craziest thing that happened to this business recently is that they found out that 30% of total sales come straight from social media.

Today, we’re interviewing Stacy Woodward, owner of Wild & Roaming in Tacoma, Washington. The team at Wild & Roaming loves nature and adventure and aims to create products that express who they are and what they love with bold confidence. “Our designs celebrate the vivid art of Mother Nature,” Stacy says, “and the talented human artists who are inspired by the natural world.”

Wild Leggings for
Wild People

Q. Is there a theme to the clothes you make?

S. Yes, we want our leggings to encourage movement and freedom, basically. Everything laser-focused on that design idea - that rather than tight and restricting, these are clothes that free you to move in an uninhibited way.”

Q. You’re not just a leggings company, though…

S. Currently we’re the “Wild Leggings for Wild People” company, but I’m expanding into other areas of adventure products for women. I love the community that this company tends to fit nicely into, namely strong, fun and active women. I love that our designs are creative, bold and nature inspired. I’m going to keep giving them what they need.

Facebook screen
Facebook screen

Building Engagement
From Scratch

Q. You mentioned social media was surprisingly effective for you. What was your marketing plan like initially?

S. This company is pretty new - I just bought it in September 2017, so I am not yet doing events, wholesale or anything like that, so social media makes up the majority of my marketing. Initially, though, yes… we had to figure out which actions would have the most impact and how to get people engaged.

Q. And now?

S. Face-to-face networking is also starting to have an impact. My first social media goal is to continue to grow my Instagram following and become far more proficient at using and expanding my business through that platform.

Q. Wild & Roaming started as a kind of forum, right?

S. Yes, when I took over, customers were already on the Facebook page, giving us feedback and basically becoming members of this community that we needed to foster or lose out on ASAP. But it’s difficult for me, social media…. I’m overwhelmed with unrelated tasks or other marketing requirements and have trouble getting organized or learning how to effectively utilize the available platforms, cutting through the noise and figuring out what actions will have the most impact, you know? When I started, I could see we had a decent start but really needed to do a better job getting people to engage.

A Quote To Speak To People

Q. Do you use tools to help you with social copywriting and so forth?

S. I don’t use many at this point. I use PromoRepublic a portion of the time to schedule and design posts. Sometimes we just pull a great quote from their Post Ideas section that I know will speak to our base. Often, though, it’s to do a straight-up product promotion.

Facebook screen

Sweet Success

Q. What’s great about Instagram, too, is that you have a company that’s already tailor-made -- pardon the unintended pun -- for a visual space.

S. Yes, images of the clothes work well, of course, as do posts with inspirational quotes and a picture of beautiful scenery. Hiking trails tend to hit the jackpot on instagram, in terms of likes and shares. Posts with photos of women on adventures speak to them and do pretty well. And, of course, it’s completely on-brand, especially with the leggings in the image.

Consistency Is Key

Q. And driving sales - you get 30 percent of your sales from social, you said.

S. I am still very much of a beginner, but I do know that consistency is key as well as the need to balance social media posts. They should not all be about promoting a product. Sales will come if the page is strong and the audience feedback produces more great content, products and giveaways that they appreciate.

Those social posts should very much be about strong content fostering engagement. I try to only post promotional content two or three times a week. The rest of my posts are just straight content.

Post Engagement Increase - 1,500+ per Post

Followers Increase - 22,000+

Sales from Social Media - 30%


“I use PromoRepublic a portion of the time to schedule and design posts. Sometimes we just pull a great quote from their Post Ideas section that I know will speak to our base. Often, though, it’s to do a straight-up product promotion.”

Stacy Woodward

Owner of Wild & Roaming

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